After a day's travel to Zurich, we take the train from the air terminal--super convenient--to Luzern to spend our first night in Switzerland. I sleep on the train in 30-second intervals, complete with 30-second dreams. We're in the 2nd class car, quite comfy but not conducive to totally konking out since people are in the seats facing ours.
The walk from the train station to our hotel takes about 10 minutes, but we stretch it out with brief sightseeing along the river. The walk wakes me up. Perfect temperature, about 70F.
Hotel Goldener Stern. Room is top floor, under the eaves, tiny but clean, and with bathroom. And only $210 per night! The elevator was big enough for one person with backpack, me, so Jim gallantly climbed the stairs to the 5th floor. Wow--can already feel the oxygen deprivation in the elevation. Once I flap out the duvet, I fall into bed and sleep 12 hours straight. I dream a sweet dream that I'm not in row 40-something on an airplane with my legs jammed against the seat in front of me. Switzerland's time zone is exactly opposite ours; we wonder how we'll adjust.
Friday morning:
Breakfast is included. This meal will take us through lunch while we're on the train. We have seconds on bread when the staff brings out another, different, loaf.
Luzern, old town in the background. We explore before going to the train station. A kind passer-by offers to take our picture; 'danke schon.'
Bahnhof, Luzern. We're ready to board for the 2-hour ride to Wengen. Many stops along the way at small towns. Change trains twice. The views!!!
Wengen at last. Our home base for the next ten days.
From here, the Wengen train station, we walk to our hotel, about 5 minutes down the path to the left, around to the right, under the railroad bridge, and up a short, steep hill. Hotel Bären (bear).
Efficient and comfortable room.
The view from our hotel room balcony.
We've been looking forward to dining at our hotel since it's acclaimed for its food. Well deserved! Dinner was outstanding.
Potato cheese soup |
Spring rolls and green salad with vinegar cherries and balsamic vinegret
Fish with fennel sauce, and cous cous (much tastier than mine)
Dessert: hay (yes!) whip in cup, and vinegar cherries. Paw print in chocolate, since this is the 'Bear' hotel.
We plan tomorrow's hike while we stroll around town.
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